After a LONG Long Time Away...
I am finally posting again and I will try to do better. I'm not promising a "regular" posting but I hope "periodically" will work out.
Of all the books I have been reading over these intervening years, I have to say I have been most excited about a series by an author a co-worker and I discovered this past summer. I love mysteries and I love historical novels so you can figure I would really be excited to find a book series that incorporates BOTH! That describes Ann Swinfen's series "The OXFORD MEDIEVAL MYSTERIES".
Sadly, I learned that my newest, favorite-est author passed away this summer, just as I discovered her books. Happily, she has written quite a few books - more than one series - and the series are all historical novels!
The book in the image at right - "The Bookseller's Tale" - is the first in the Oxford Medieval Mystery series. After I have read all those (there are six and I have read four) I will begin the other historical novel series she wrote - "The Chronicles of Christoval Alvarez" of which there are nine. The image above are from the Ann Swinfen website where you can find all kinds of information about her and her books.
I highly recommend the Oxford series to anyone interested in the period of time just after the Black Plague ends in Britain. Ann Swinfen explores, in a continuing storyline, the different aspects of life in a Medieval village from a Bookseller to a Merchant to a Huntsman, etc. and also all classes from rich to poor, businessman to cleric, and she even throws in a few spies and political intrigues.
If anyone else has read any of Ann Swinfen's books, I would love to hear your thoughts. And if anyone has had the opportunity to read books written along a similar vein by other authors, I would love to read your recommendations!