Friday, July 31, 2015

Poem ~ Nature's Gems

~ With Photos ~

Nature’s Gems
Raindrops and dewdrops
Glittering icy crystals
Natures delicate gems
Decorating, transforming
Dreamy heavenly blossoms
Common dandy seeds and
Dazzling frozen needles

poem- 7/25/2015 - mARTa weller
photos 2013 & 2014 by mARTa

Long Overdue Return

It has been over two years since I last posted on my Blog.
And it has been almost that long since I even looked at it.

Much like a library book, I am way overdue. I should be fined! And looking at the state of some of my past postings - broken photos and non-working links, I guess you could say I have indeed been fined.

I will work on repairing the broken aspects of my blog
and I promise to post once again on a semi-regular basis.


I guess I just need to get back into writing.
I need to exercise my writing muscles.
I have to keep my "little grey cells"* in working order.

I promise.

Hopefully, the words I post - along with my photos -
will be interesting to not only myself but to others.
Since, why else does one write a Blog that is published for the world (so to speak) to see?

*Did you get the literary reference?
"Little grey cells" from Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot.